Sunday, May 31, 2009

Jill's New Outfit

So, I am not usually one to brag (right?) but I am so proud of Jill's new outfit. I made it myself!

A very dear family friend of ours was preparing for her Long Journey (read "cleaning out her house before she kicks the bucket") and found some fabric she had been holding on to for several decades. She sent it with my mom to give me since I have a little girl and could use it for something. So, I decided to make this little dress I have been dying to make, but have never made time for.

It is perfect for summer and I didn't make the bloomers because it looks so adorable with her white lacy bloomers with her name embroidered on them! She looked precious at church this morning.


Erica said...

Great job Jen! That is too cute.

Courtney Robertson said...

That is seriously adorable!! I am so sad I wasn't at church to see it in person... she looks so cute!

GranDeb said...

I am sooo proud of your sewing abilities, Jennifer!!! They came from Mee Maw, Grammy, Auntie Karen....certainly not from me!!!
p.s. I agree....Jill looked adorable at church!!!