Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Just some more pics of Jill

My posts have been pretty monothematic of late, I realize that, but honestly, when you are home alone for 8 hours a day with a baby, well, I think you get where I am going...

Here is Jill playing with Mom's shoe.  Too bad for Jill that mom's feet are so big, that it is really hard to wear her shoes.  Hence the one at a time thing here.

Here is a cute pic of Jill's first ponytail! 

So, her hair in front is getting so long that it hangs in her eyes.  But she rips out barrettes faster than you can say 'Tomboy'.  This morning when I was getting out of the shower I took out my rubber band and set it on the bed.  She walked right over, picked it up and held it up to her hair while making some rubbing motions. 

I did not hesitate!  I grabbed the baby rubber bands I had bought specifically for this occasion, sat her on a stool in front of the full length mirror, and tossed up a ponytail.  She left it in for a while, but pulled it out on the long (5 whole minutes) car ride to Gymboree, but I whipped it back up and it stayed all day until bathtime!  We may have solved our problem! 

After bath, she went right back to our morning ponytail spot, grabbed another rubber band and insisted on another ponytail!  So she is sleeping in one tonight. 

And here is her penultimate resting place.  The boys like to hang out in my bed and watch an educational show while I put Jill down at night.  (Judge me, I am over it. Truly, they are educational, Mythbusters, MonsterQuest, Dirty Jobs, Man vs Wild, etc.  But I digress...) So tonight she rolled over against her brother and snuggled there asleep. He was so proud.  He told me, "Mom, look, she loves me!"  And she does.  She adores him.


Courtney Squillante said...

Ahhhh! I love the pictures! And I LOVE that Jake is so good to her!!!

Michelle said...

Aww that last pic is sooo sweet!!! And her ponytail is AWESOME too!!!

GranDeb said...

Soooooo sweet!!!
