Thursday, December 17, 2009

It Finally Happened...

Well, honestly, I have to admit I am SHOCKED it took 8 1/2 years, but Jake finally did it. 

Yep, he broke his wrist this afternoon. 

Yes, it involves his new bunk bed, but probably would have happened on the old one.  No, it doesn't involve crazy, irresponsible behavior, shockingly.  It was just an unlucky accident.

Jake was leaning over the side to look at our neighbor MaryAnn below and lost his balance and slid forward off the bed. I guess I should say a prayer of thanks that it was just a wrist and nothing more serious.  The urgent care doc said it is the most common injury they see at this age and is pretty minor.  We are going to the orthopedist as soon as one will see us.  We'll see about the upcoming basketball season and Tae Kwon Do.  We may have to take a little time off.

Jake shows off his splint.  Trust me, it took us 2 full hours to get to this point.  He collapsed into bed exhausted at 8:30 tonight.  It was a tough afternoon.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Is he feeling better yet?