Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall Festival!

Last Friday was the annual Rummel Creek Fall Festival.  Basically, the school carnival.  The whole school looks forward to this fun, fun day!  Think confetti eggs, silly string, inflatable bounce houses and obstacle courses and carnival games. 
Here are some pics from that fun day.  PawPaw even drove Owen in from Austin so he could join in the fun.  Apparently most of the 2 1/2 hour trip consisted of PawPaw trying to explain what a carnival was!  I think Owen found out it was all that and more!

Josh running the obstacle course.

Owen in the bouncy house.

Jake carrying his booty.

Jill and PawPaw enjoy some of the yummy food.

Owen tosses at the dunk tank.  He hit the target but not hard enough.

Josh goes for it at the dunk tank.  He didn't get it this time,
but later in the day he tried again and dunked a 5th grader!

Josh shows off his winnings from the cake walk!  His personal fave!

Josh goes crazy with silly string.  I think this poor kid gave up trying to run.

Jake floats in the hot air balloon ride.  It was really cool and new this year.
(I know you can't see him but he is in the top window in a yellow shirt.)

And poor Jill just got worn out!

Jake and friends show off their invisible ink squirt guns and silly string.

Josh with silly string and a confetti egg.  I think he was trying to combine them.


Michelle said...

That looks like sooo much fun!!!! Your boys and Jill are so cute :)

Erica said...

Confetti EGGS! I miss Texas. Jill and Tim look so much alike! Also I used to always win the cake walk at the catholic school in Slidell. I remember one year they had a cake with mint green icing and sprinkles on it. That was my favorite to look at but it probably tasted gross - no recollection.

GranDeb said...

That was a super fun Fall Festival! All the boys had alot of fun!

Believe it or not, all that disappearing ink really did disappear from our clothes (the boys loved shooting their grandparents) but it took me a couple of days to get all the confetti out of my hair!! haha

Psst, cake walks were always my favorite too!!!
