Monday, October 26, 2009

Trunk or Treat

So, in case your don't think your kids are going to get enough candy on Halloween, there is always the pre-Halloween party, Trunk or Treat. 

In theory this is a great way to safely get candy.  Plus there is the added bonus of playing games to win said candy.  The idea is that your park the cars in a circle with all the trunks facing inward.  Each car opens it trunk and has a game (in or out of the trunk - ours was out) for the kids to play.  Each play, whether successful or not, earns candy!

Our only problem is we now have so much candy, I might just tell the kids no trick-or-treating!  Not really, but ugh....

Josh, as usual, not wanting to pose for a pic.  He is Toad from Mario Brothers.

Jill's friend Jack (yes, for real) comes to give her the scoop on where to find the best candy.

They check to make sure the coast is clear...

Jack tells Jill again, this time with more enthusiasm, she just isn't getting it!

So here is our game.  Oreo stacking.  So much fun even the adults couldn't stay away!


GranDeb said...

Someone came up and said, 'oh yeah, Oreo Jenga!" Is that how you spell it?

The booth was super fun, Jack and Jill were crowd pleasers, and Jake and Josh loved helping at the booth!

It was a super fun afternoon!!

p.s. Jake has the kid stacking record at 27! Tim, the resident architect, (pictured)has the adult record at 37!!! Wow!!
As for me, I never want to see another Oreo!! hahaha j/k


Michelle said...

That's such a great idea!!! How fun!!! And Josh's picture made me laugh out loud for like 10 mins! The pics of Jack and Jill are too cute and Jill is ADORABLE in her dress!!!

Courtney Squillante said...

Cute cute cute!