Friday, November 6, 2009

Book Character Parade

At Rummel Creek this morning, the Pre-K and Kindergarten classes had a Book Character Parade.  Each kid chose his favorite book character and dressed up for a parade around the school.  It was super fun for the kids as all the other grades lined the parade route to watch and cheer.

Josh went as Scaredy Squirrel (if you have never heard of the books or read them, my family highly recommends them!!!).  The main problem was that, despite the fortunate timing, there were no squirrel costumes to be had this Halloween.  So, we made our own. 

The name tag and "air freshener" are part of the book, so read it!

Josh and the other "animals" in his class.

The whole class.  There were some Darth Vaders, a Batman, a Harry Potter, a Merlin (Josh's best bud and right next to him), a Wolf (from Peter and the Wolf - my fave- thanks Grammy!), and a few Fancy Nancys.  Very cute!


Courtney Squillante said...

Oh my gosh- he was adorable! I totally teared up when I saw him... hahahaha

Erica said...

What a cute idea! Great job on the squirrel costume. I had a doll named Fancy Nancy when I was little - I had no idea there were books about a character with the same name. Also the Merlin kid is a cutie and did the chick with the Dora book go as Swiper?

Jennifer said...

Yes, that is Swiper. I had no idea until you just pointed out her Dora book!