Friday, November 13, 2009

A Day with Michelle

So don't tell, but the boys played hooky one day this week and we spent the day with Michelle!  I don't feel bad since she lives in California and we rarely see her.  And it was well worth it.  The boys had a great time and were so happy to hang out with her.

First we hung around the house waiting for Jill to wake up.  So the boys entertained Michelle with a rousing game of Ring Around the Rosy.  But c'mon, these are boys, we don't just play Ring Around the Rosy, there is a rough and tumble twist.  The boys won't "all fall down" and Michelle has to make them. 

Then when her royal highness awoke, we headed downtown for the Aquarium.  We loved seeing all the fish, but our favorites were the sharks, the rays and the eels.  Then we got to the Tiger Exhibit in time to see the tiger switch.  It was good because the tigers know something is happening so they are up and moving.

Group Pic.

Jake's favorite part, the touch tanks.  He dives right in.  Josh isn't so sure.

Jill wants in on the fun.

Josh finally gets brave.

Mom and Jill check out the fish view.

You have to take a pic with the tiger statue.

The tiger "fishing" in his pond.


GranDeb said...

Great pictures! I know they had alot of fun with their auntie!!!


Michelle said...

Yea! That was so fun and I'm so glad I got to have a day with the you, the boys and Jill!! Plus, skipping school is the cool part about having family come in town!