Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Jill's First Birthday Party

Jill had a rockin' first birthday party this past weekend.  We had a few kids, lots of adults and too much fun!

The kids get ready to break open the pinata.  I was lame and made them do the pull-string kind.  I learned my lesson when after pulling all strings it didn't open!  So the kids beat it with their hands until the lid broke off and it fell to the floor!

What I like to affectionately call the "Candy Scramble."  It reminds me of the Calf Scramble at the Rodeo, only with no calves, or dirt, or ropes, or announcer.  So, it doesn't really remind me of it at all.  I just like the name!

Even Jill tries to corral her some grub!

Just too cute!

Jake's turn to help Jill open presents.  They are reading the card.

Next, Josh's turn to help.

Now, Owen's turn to help.

Jill doesn't want to push the stroller, she wants a ride!

Jill pushing Uncle Jim's gift, her own pink popper!

The Princess Cake

Jill, for the millisecond she wasn't trying to rip off her crown.

Jake blows out the candle while Jill eats a princess.

Cake Face!

Jill and Dad

Jill and Uncle Jim

Jill and Auntie Michelle.


Erica said...

I'm not sure if I can tell by the theme but it looks like the fam is happy to have a girl to celebrate! Happy birthday Jill!
Love the peek-a-boo vid too.

GranDeb said...

Very fun party!!! The birthday girl was indeed a princess!!

