Monday, February 1, 2010

Jake Tae Kwon Do Belt Test and some BBall pics

So Jake just had his Yellow Belt Test this past week and passed!  That means he moves up to Orange Belt at the Belt Ceremony this week.

I was nervous because he had been sick with swine flu all week and I didn't know if he would be well enough or have the energy, but he did a great job!

Here is a short video of him doing his blocking test. 

And the next day he had a basketball game.  Jake has been improving so much this year and was the defensive player of the game for his team this week because of his awesome rebounding!  He had 5 or 6 rebounds total!

The huddle.

Jake and his buddy Cole get fired up.

Jake takes the 1/2 time free throw.  I just loved his "follow through."


Courtney Squillante said...

Oh my gosh- his TKD video TOTALLY made me cry!!!! His form is just perfect! What a little cutie!

GranDeb said...

The video made me tear up also! How adorable is he??!!
