Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Whole Lotta Nothing

So, I haven't posted in a while and there really has not been a whole lot new going on here.

Jake had his last BBall game of the season today.  He did great!  Scored another basket (his 2nd of the year) and made a freethrow!  A huge day for him!

Meanwhile, Josh and Jill are hanging out and being kids.  I'll leave you with a few pics of Jill since I got nothin'!

Jill has recently fallen in love with Baby Einstein.  Now she demands to watch it all the time.  And loves sitting all tucked into her chair while she watches.  As a side note, she only likes the ones with farm animals and neighborhood animals.  Won't watch the others!

And here is Jill with her new laptop from GranDeb.  She always shows such an interest in everyone else's computer's that GranDeb thought she should have one of her own!


Michelle said...

She is getting so big! That is crazy!

GranDeb said...

I love her little laptop!!! She finally gets to touch a computer!!!
Yea, Jill!

And yes, Jake's basketball game was awesome! We cheered very loudly at his basket....well, I think they told me I was loud!! It was awesome!
