Monday, February 8, 2010

Pinewood Derby

So each year the cub scouts have a Pinewood Derby where the dads (oops, I mean kids) carve cars out of a block of wood and paint them and put wheels on and race each other. 

Most people want to win so they design their usual wedge shaped car that looks like a race car and name it something really clever like "lightning." (Sorry if you, dear reader, are one of these people I just insulted). 

But not in our house.  No way, in our house, we go for the coolest, most fun design we can think of (and then actually build).  This year was no exception. 

We entered 2 cars, one for Jake and one for Josh, since there is an open division where siblings and parents can enter their cars to compete.  I think this is supposed to ease the pressure on dads so they will actually let their kids touch the car instead of just look at it.  I'll let you know if it works.

Jake's entry, the Swiss Army Knife Car.

Josh's entry, the Brickmaster.  A Lego Brick.

And I how could I forget the most important part?  The electronic finish line and the camera for watching the finishes.  You know, in case it gets too close to call!!! 

1 comment:

GranDeb said...

These were the cutest cars ever!!! I saw them in person!!!

(and Jennifer forgot to mention that the Lego brick was totally scaled to size!! Each little peg!)
